
This type of massage works on the same principals as acupuncture and allows clients to receive an in depth massage while remaining clothed. Shiatsu uses compression, stretches and deep thumb presses to remove blockages that impede the circulation of blood, lymph and chi. Shiatsu decreases pain, increases energy and improves sleep patterns.

It is especially beneficial for athletes, those who are physically active and for treating old injuries that have never quite healed. It is useful for clearing the back before using CranioSacral Therapy and can help speed the release of chronic back pain.

Tracy completed the Long Form Shiatsu program at the Oregon School of Massage which included six full terms of instruction. The classes interwove Traditional Chinese Medical theory with practical techniques. It takes a two and half hour session to experience a full Long Form massage. Most of the time Tracy performs a shortened version using techniques selected for each client, depending on their need.

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